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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Haiti-One Year Later

Its no longer on the front page of newspapers.
Its no longer the "lead in" for the nightly news.
Its no longer covered as heavily.
The major pushes for donations have stopped.
Resources have dried up.
Cholera outbreaks have claimed the lives of over 3500 Haitian people.
The people still suffer.
Families still mourn the loss of loved ones.

Prior to today, I really struggled with finding a "unique" way to honor the people of Haiti without mimicking the things other websites, blogs, etc. were already doing. It finally donned on me this morning that my focus on wanting to be "unique" was selfish. This day is not about me, or my blog, its about paying my respects to a great people. As one with Haitian friends all of whom I consider part of my extended family, I am ashamed of my self-centeredness. We all have our moments.

The island nation is still fighting the devastation caused by the quake, which killed over 230,000 Haitian people, and by some estimates left some 1.5 million people home. Additionally, the subsequent Cholera outbreak has claimed the lives of 3500 so far and the numbers are still climbing. All things considered, there is but one word that could describe the people of Haiti: Resilient. Resilience is the ability to work with adversity in such a way that one comes through it unharmed or even better for the experience. I found this little blurb about what the word means: "Resilience means facing life’s difficulties with courage and patience – refusing to give up. It is the quality of character that allows a person or group of people rebound from misfortune, hardships and traumas.  Resilience is rooted in a tenacity of spirit—a determination to embrace all that makes life worth living even in the face of overwhelming odds. When we have a clear sense of identity and purpose, we are more resilient, because we can hold fast to our vision of a better future.  Much of our resilience comes from community—from the relationships that allow us to lean on each other for support when we need it."

They have suffered from one tragedy after another but have remained hopeful for better days. Their spirit is inspiring.  What really breaks my heart when traumatic events occur is that after a certain amount of time we stop talking about it. The media stops covering it and we stop checking on the people who were affected. We stop asking people how they are coping with their loss. Its almost as if we believe that as time progresses and people stop talking about something then it MUST have gotten better.

I intentionally allowed the "Haiti needs your help" app to remain high on this blog in hopes that it would remind people that Haiti still needs us. The great thing about anniversary is that people are once again talking about Haiti. My hope is that the conversations turn into generous donations.

Read on for stories I've found so far about the anniversary...

Check out PHOTOS of Haiti one year after the disaster HERE.
"A year and a day"-The New Yorker
@YELEHAITI is promoting a worldwide moment of silence event today at 4:53pm EST to remember Haiti.
Haiti-One year Later-Halogen TV
Tilt-shift, stop-motion squatting in Haiti-NPR
The website One Days Wages is encouraging everyone to renew their commitment to Haiti by donating a days wages to their Haiti Relief Fund. Click here to find out more info.
How the red cross is helping-Red Cross

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