Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Monday, August 24, 2009

New advice series: Interviewing strategies!!!

Considering (for lack of a better and less annoying phrase) "the current state of our economy," many people have found themselves jobless, underemployed, or employed and miserable. If you've been forced into one of these categories and you want to change your situation, consider employing the strategies in HUSL Today's new series of advice: INTERVIEWING STRATEGIES.

Before the interview:

* Identify your strengths and weaknesses, goals, skills, etc
* Research the company/law firm/organization
* Rehearse what you plan to say
* Practice answers to common questions
* Prepare questions to ask the employer

During the Interview:

* Make sure you arrive a few minutes early
* Be aware of nonverbal communication. Situp straight, look alert, speak clearly and forcefully, but stay relaxed. Make good eye contact, avoid nervous mannerisms, and try to be a good listener as well as a good talker. Smile!
* Follow the interviewer's lead, but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and duties to you fairly early in the interview so that you can then relate your background and skills in context
* Be specific, concrete, and detailed in your answers. The more information you volunteer, the better the employer gets to know you
* Offer examples of your work and references which will document your best qualities
* Answer questions as truthfully and as frankly as you can. Answer honestly, while trying not to say more than is necessary

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