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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Its time for the best part of the day-the inspirational quote of the day!

"People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be."
~ Harvey Mackay

Take a moment to meditate on the quote of the day and make a conscious to decision to make today better than yesterday. Think about what the quote means to you and carry that thought with you throughout your day. Hold on to the personal meaning you find in each quote and use it to inspire you to push through difficult situations. Decide RIGHT NOW that you will become successful. You will want to remember this moment so take whatever calendar you use to stay organized (if you don't have one its time to change that) and write down these words "the beginning of my success" along with the time. Not many people can trace their success down to the day and time but you are different. When you are interviewed about how you got your start you can simply tell them on January 20, 2010 you decided to become successful.

Sidenote: Happy 7th birthday to my niece and the love of my life D. Hanna.

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