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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Good Morning! Its a bright sunny morning in the district so I am in a great mood today. Excuse me while I bounce off of the walls a few times. I love sunshine! Ok enough about me, lets get back on track. Here is your inspirational quote for today:

"Don't go through life, grow through life."
-Eric Butterworth

Don't just go through your days barely getting by. LIVE! Do what makes you happy. Surround yourself with people who make you smile. Push yourself to grow and do everything in excellence. I hope your day is filled with sunshine and productivity. Rejoice in this new opportunity to make yesterday jealous!

Image source:

What do you do that makes you happy? How do you stay that way? Share amongst friends...

Sidenote: Today is the anniversary of the death of rapper Notorious BIG. Click here to listen to my favorite tune from the late great artist. Feel free to share yours and your favorite memories.

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