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Monday, May 03, 2010

Music Monday: American Idol edition

Its mid-day but not quite lunch.
You're losing steam.
You've made a list of 100 things you would rather be doing.
Its a beautiful day and you're stuck inside.
If any of the above apply to you, its obvious that you need a pick me up.
*Queue the corny superhero music* HUSL Today to the rescue.

His innocent and honest effort coupled with his horrible vocals combined to capture the hearts of America.

Simon Cowell annihilated his dreams of "lighting up the stage" in true Cowell fashion.

His proclamation that he never had any professional training was the sweetest part of the whole audition.

Ladies and gentlemen of HUSL Today I present to you William Hung's performance of She Bangs.

"She bangs, she bangs!!"

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