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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HUSL Today presents: 7 dirty phrases you should not say in the office

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Today is George Carlin's birthday. In his honor I decided to create a list of 7 dirty phrases  Young Professionals should avoid. Thus, instead of 7 dirty words you can't say on TV,our list is 7 dirty phrases you should not say in the office (without starting a juicy rumor).
"There are 400,000 words in the English language, and there are 7 you can't say on television."-George Carlin 
1. "I heard the boss is having an affair with his secretary"
2. "I heard Sheila's husband cheated on her."
3. "I overheard Jill saying she's going to quit."
4. "Did you hear about [insert name here]? I heard he got fired." 

Read more to discover the last 3 phrases.  

5. "I heard Joan accused Chris of sexual harassment."
6. "Did you hear about Tom?  He had to take a few days off because his son got arrested for drugs." 
7. "Joe hasn't been pulling his weight around here lately"

What you don't see with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth.
-Jewish Proverb
In neither of the above situations did the gossiper (did I just make up a word?) have personal experience with the situation. That should give you a clue. Do not repeat anything you wouldn't sign your name to or wouldn't want recorded on tape. While workplace gossip may seem like harmless chit chatting, it can take a turn for the worst. Bad mouthing others or spreading misinformation are not good business practices. While some gossip is relatively harmless, other forms can be damaging to the target and even result in a criminal complaint--against you! If you decide to discuss the personal lives of others with people who can't do anything to change it, your best bet is to prepare yourself for the consequences.

Rumors with bad intent can get you fired, sued and utterly embarrassed. Don't gamble your love or life on such unnecessary behaviors. Once a rumor or misinformation starts to float around the office, it will take on a life of its own.

Bottom line:  Avoid creating or feeding into rumors & you will save yourself a lot of heartache.

SN: If you're anxious to hear Carlin's list, click here. Warning: explicit content.

Its your turn, share the phrases you have heard most often when people are gossipping in the workplace. Sharing is caring

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