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Monday, May 24, 2010

Music Monday: TV theme song edition #2

Since I had so much fun putting together Music Monday posts from the past few weeks, I decided to make it a tradition. This time, we'll focus on our favorite tv shows with family oriented themes.

Lets take a trip down memory lane...

1. The Cosby Show. I grew up watching this, and I'll still catch a marathon every now and then. It was a grounbreaking show and the effects are still felt today.

2. Family Matters. One word: Urkel!

3. Full House

4. Sister, Sister. Gotta love Tia & Tamera!

More memories after the jump.

5. Gullah Gullah Island.

6. The Wonder Years. One question: What would you do if I sang outta tune?

7. The Brady Bunch. Can't forget about America's favorite family.

8. Boy Meets World

Bonus: The Jetsons

Random fact: the entire theme song is 11 words. You're welcome.

...oh to be a kid again. *smiles*

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