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Monday, May 10, 2010

Music Monday: TV theme song edition (the top 10)

I could go on for hours about how people growing up before the 21st century had a much better selection of television programs than kids nowadays.  I won't go into details but I will say that cartoons today are way too oversexed and the subtle references to sex are NOT so subtle. Today we celebrate theme songs from the 80s & 90s. Please note these songs are in no particular order. The big kid in me truly misses Saturday mornings with Pinky & the Brain.Which leads me to....

1. Pinky and the Brain. Peep the footage. It will speak for itself.

How could we forget their classic convo??
Pinky: Gee Brain what are we gonna do tonight?
Brain: Same thing we do every day Pinky. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

2. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. This guy was my neighbor for over a decade. I watched him change from a blazer to a cardigan every afternoon. He reminded me that there are always good days and a reason to smile. Better yet, he was on to something with his fashion sense. I've lost count of how many people I've seen rocking the "Mr. Roger's look" complete with an authentic crew neck cardigan and keds.

3. Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Back when rappers were still rappers, my father was amused at my ability to memorize the entire rap after only 2 episodes. I still know it. I still recite it...sometimes in crowded elevators. Check it.

4. Martin. Got my hands on the full DVD set and I laughed for hours. It had to make the list.

"You so crazy!"
5. In Living Color. Sing it with me "You can do what you wanna do. In living color!"

Click read the rest to see more.

6. Pokemon. I remember the craze over collecting a full set of cards. I used to watch new episodes every morning before school and I'll confess to owning a few cards. I tried to convince my mom that we "Gotta catch em all" but she didn't buy it. I don't know how serious people were in your neighborhood but there was a fist fight at my school over a set of cards. No one was suspended or punished though-people burst into laughter when they found out the reason for the fight o_O.

7.Captain Planet. 5 teens who sacrificed their time to defend the earth as a team. Its so old they were still calling it the Soviet Union yet they were way ahead of their time in their mission to save the environment.

Go Planet! The POWER is YOURS!

8. Boondocks. The comedy is eye opening & realistic. The sarcasm is obvious & the tones are subtle. All things I appreciate.

9. The Wayans Brothers. Their entire family is in show business. They are the true illustration of what happens when you "teach a man to fish."

10. The Proud Family. I used to love Disney Channel. This show was one of the reason's why.

What say you people of HUSL Today? Was your favorite TV show featured? Feel free to share your Music Monday list. Sharing is Caring...

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