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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Interview strategies that work...TIP #4: Know your strengths

HUSLToday recommends that candidates try and make up a short list of approximately five of their strongest selling points related to each particular hiring organization. This list should reflect your most notable legal achievements so that it will help distinguish you from the other candidates for the job.

Here is a sample list of 5 strong selling points:
1. Organized
2. Works well with people
3. Prompt
4. Diligent
5. Open to new opportunities

As an added step, we also recommend that you are prepared to discuss your weaknesses. However, if asked about your weaknesses do not bash yourself; instead, use the question as an opportunity to emphasize the things you are building on and that you recognize you are not perfect. We do not recommend that you say you do not have weaknesses, it will make you appear arrogant and out of touch. Here is a sample Q&A:

Interviewer: Please describe your biggest weakness.

YP: My biggest weakness would have to be that I struggle to maintain a work/life balance. Often times I get caught up in trying to be a perfect sibling, spouse, etc. while simultaneously trying to be the perfect employee. Sometimes my family suffers in my quest to reach my potential in my work and I feel bad about that, but I have to be honest with them as I help them to understand the reason I am a workaholic is because I want to successful.

Note: Its important to emphasize the need to improve upon your weakness and how you think it may have affected you. This will give the interviewer a better opportunity to assess your ability to recognize and remedy adverse situations.

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