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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

GREAT morning beautiful ladies and gents! Happy Tuesday!

"It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction." Warren Buffett 

Always surround yourself with positive people who will keep you in line but its time to add another characteristic to that list: someone who is better than you. Are you the smartest person you know? Are you the wealthiest person you know?  If your answer to either of those questions is yes, its time for you to get out and meet some new people.  Today's challenge is to find people who are better than you. Do not get this challenge confused by allowing people who make you feel insecure and "less than." Do not ever allow anyone to make you feel that way and if its clear they do so on purpose, grab the scissor and cut all ties. No one is better simply because of who they are; they are better because of what they have accomplished and because of their potential to accomplish more. Find people whose behavior is what you aspire to be and allow their attitudes to rub off on you. This person could be a mentor who just passed the NY bar (Congrats XW) or they could be a friend who is a better writer or a better dancer than you are. Connect with people who are better at the things you seek to improve about yourself.

Today's Song Choice: Greatest Love of All-Whitney Houston 

SN: If you missed the Eagles v. Redskins game last night you missed an EPIC win!

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