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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tell us how you REALLY feel: The 5 WORST things about being snowed in

I'm a Floridian.

    I'm fascinated by snow.

    I needed a break from school.

    I got to make my first snow angel and throw snowballs at strangers.

    All of these things are reasons why I was initially intrigued by the 2010 blizzard that has forced life in the Northeast to shut down. I didn't lose power and I don’t have a drive way to shovel. I'm uninterested in most outdoor activities and I am not a runner.

    Its day 6.

    All I see is whiteout conditions.

    I haven't seen the sun since Friday @ noon.

    I am no longer intrigued.

  1. Cabin fever. It’s the feeling that your 4 walls are closing in on you and you HAVE to get out. But guess what? You're snowed in snitches so where are you going to go? Everyone is snowed in! If you're bold enough to go outside you may find a corner pub open which is probably so affectionately referred to as "that mom and pop spot." The streets aren't plowed which means unless you're blessed to have a 4WD vehicle you are stuck and I wouldn't recommend driving. You're a fool if you ignore this advice. Nicknames like SNOmg, SNOpocalypse, and SNOmageddon have grown old and stupid. You may take a walk just for the sake of taking a walk even if you hate walking. You are willing to brave the bitter cold for a few minutes because getting fresh air is one of the cures for cabin fever.

  1. You want things you can't have. This is a problem because you could get these things save for the fact old man winter getting ticked off at some of you and decided to let us feel his wrath. *side eye* . I blame BET. The concern that raises eyebrows is that you only begin to want these things once you realize you cant have them. What I wouldn't give for an order of pretzel sticks from Auntie Anne's (I feel you judging me), Chinese food, rice krispy treats, another pack of Oreos, and a sparkling apple sangria. I have never wanted bourbon chicken so badly! Its not even my favorite food nor is it in a close second or third. As a matter of fact, I have never finished an entire order of bourbon chicken but since I've been snowed in I want to call up the nearest Chinese restaurant and order take out. Sad thing is, I know they wont answer and I'm the type of foodie to leave a message. The list gets more bizarre as it goes on: White Chocolate covered strawberries from Godiva (yes I'm picky about the white chocolate, don’t judge me), Cinnamon toast crunch, dippin dots, a Starbucks strawberry frappuccino and a DVD from the redbox. I only moderately desired these things before and they were often purchased on impulse but on day 6, its starting to get outlandish.

  2. Getting stuck with someone you realize you don’t like. While I live alone, I know people who are stuck inside with people who they were moderately fond of before getting stuck together. There is something about being stuck that makes every little thing said person does annoying like hell. That thing you thought was so cute last week could be the death of them this week. You may start twitching and having impure thoughts about what you want to do to them. You wonder if you will get away with it. If the person is your spouse, you may start thinking twice about your future. If the person is a friend, you may think twice about why you are really friends.You start to wish you were around anyone but the people you are around. You miss people you dont like just because they haven't been around to tick you off.

  3. You obsess over what you are going to run out of. When you're stuck inside for so long, you have plenty of time to worry. Most times, you worry about things you did not think of when you thought you would be snowed in for, at most, 3 days. You have enough water, bread and lunch meat to take you into spring break. You have batteries, flashlights and non-perishable foods. Yesterday I ran out of ketchup. I'm on my last 2 containers of yogurt and my last orange. These are things I did not think to stock up on but I wish I would have. After spending twice as much as you normally spend on groceries and standing in line for 2 hours, concerns about what you will run out of are mounting.

  4. You realize just how horrible TV programming is (this implies that you have electricity). Who knew the same shows are looped throughout the day? Before getting snowed in you probably didn't pay much attention to the selections, or lack thereof. Now that you cant go anywhere (grrrr) there are only a few things left to do. I've already caught up on my favorite shows and a few I'm not fond of. Before this I never knew Natalie insulted Porsche's parenting abilities which caused Porsche's to give Natalie a taste of the people's elbow and get sent home from BGC.

  5. Sidenote: After surviving Andrew in the '90s, and Dennis, Emily, Katrina, Rita and Wilma in 2005, I have to admit being snowed in not as bad as being trapped after a hurricane. The irony of the aftermath of a hurricane? All of the wind stops and the humidity becomes unbearable. The rain stops and the air becomes dry. You stock up your fridge so when you lose power your family has a bbq and then you restock it with price gauged supplies.

    I've blocked old man winter on Facebook and twitter. Wake me up when winter is over.

    Well my friends, what do you think is the worst part about being snowed in? Tell us how you REALLY feel about being stuck inside due to natural disasters. Give us your list of best and worst things. Don’t be afraid you're amongst friends


Anonymous said...

"if it wasn't so close to Feb 14th I would be out looking for a girlfriend...its too damn cold and too damn boring to be alone during snow days...and the only thing that makes snow days after the first two bearable is large amounts of liquor and sex...and im out of the former"

Raine Lali Gabrielle said...

LOL Hey "anonymous" *waves* welcome!

Anonymous said...

If old man winter does not peace out soon I will be Broke, so far I have purchased a digital camera, shoes and several items of clothing. There is nothing good on T.V. so internet surfing turns to internet shopping. No Bueno.

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'm snowed in with the love of my life! We're cooking shrimp fettucini alfredo tonight ... baked apple pie last night. Watching one of our favorite series from beginning to end ... working out every morning, wine every night. I have to admit, this snow has been good to me!! Sucks to be you guys though. hahahahaha.

Raine Lali Gabrielle said...

Welcome Anonymous 12:37 and Anonymous 12:43. *waves*

@12:37 I agree! As a snowed in shopaholic I decided to hide my debit card from myself.

@12:43 thank you for making me hate my life, love my life and hate my life all in one comment. Is there any apple pie left?

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