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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

GREAT morning beautiful people!!! Today's quote:

Like the elephant, we are unconscious of our own strength. When it comes to understanding the power we have to make a difference in our own lives, we might as well be asleep. If you want to make your dreams come true, wake up. Wake up to your own strength. Wake up to the role you play in your own destiny. Wake up to the power you have to choose what you think, do, and say. -Keith Ellis 
Wake up people!!  Awaken the beast inside of you and become unstoppable. When someone puts an obstacle in your way, figure out a way to conquer it. Dont let the obstacle force you to quit. Quitting is not an option! There is always a way to make something work, you just have to be willing to find it! Accept the cards you were dealt and play them as best you can. Stop using the past as an excuse. You cant change where you were born. You cant change who your family is. You can't change what your childhood was like. What you can do is focus on the things you can change. Focus on deciding the type of person you want to become. Focus on sculpting your career path. Focus on your future and use your past as motivation for a better life. Focus on surrounding yourself with people who can help you become better. When things (job, relationship, school) don't work out  in your favor, it is because you do NOT need those things in your life anymore. Dont spend your time dwelling on failure. Bad relationships, negative people and jobs that dont challenge you are all DEAD weight; BURY them! Do not mourn when you lose those things, use them as a challenge to wake up and recognize what you still have. Dont fall victim to complacency. Dont be afraid of change. Dont be afraid to eliminate the things that are holding you back. Wake up and give yourself the opportunity to do something great today!

When life hands you lemons, ask for sugar and water and make a delicious lemonade!!

Today's Song choice: KeKe Palmer-The One You Call


P.S. Remember to go through your social networking accounts and remove everything that doesnt pass the "Grandmother test." Whats the grandmother test? Its a standard for social networking that requires you to remove anything from your profile that you would be too embarrassed to show your grandmother.

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