Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

GREAT morning beautiful people. Its time for your daily dose of inspiration! I'm pulling double duty today with 2 quotes:

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." -Johann von Goethe

"Men who are resolved to find a way for themselves will always find opportunities enough; and if they do not find them, they will make them."
-Samuel Smiles

When I was younger and I got stumped on a problem my grandmother would encourage me to figure out what I already know. She would say "start with what you know and then you will see what you're missing." She justified this approach by saying "knowing what to do is half the battle." I did not begin to understand the other half of problem solving until I realized how important *doing* is. I then realized half of *doing* is the will to do something meaningful.

Acquiring knowledge but failing to apply it to something meaningful is like buying new gym gear but never working out. What is the point of owning a top of the line pair of running shoes if you never lace them up and actually run?
What is the point of knowing how to escape a fire if you dont respond how you know you should when a fire breaks out?
What is the point of knowing investment strategies and never investing?
What is the point of knowing how to take your career to the next level but failing to apply the strategies?
What is the point of knowing how to write a business plan if you never write one?

Make the conscious decision that your knowledge can work for you! Dont take it to the grave with you, put your genius to work and leave your mark on the world. Use your knowledge and experiences to pave your path to success!!


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