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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

First Lady Michelle Obama wishes a happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and shares why President Obama is a great dad. Take a peek below...

When I look at President Obama and I see the way he interacts with his family it makes me feel a little bit closer to the man behind the title. I may not always support his decisions or his meticulous political moves but I salute him for the man he has become. He could have done like some and used the lack of a father as an excuse to be an awful one but he has done the opposite. To think about his story and how far he has come is such an inspiration to me and many others. I salute him for that.


Now, can we all join together and decide to stop wishing mothers a Happy Father's Day? One greeting card company decided to take it a bit further and create cards for mothers on Father's Day. I get what they meant but I want it to stop. I know there are single mothers out there playing both roles but the father role is one that can only be filled by a man. Regardless of biological connection, only a man can be a father. I understand the symbolism behind it but doing so is an indirect jab at fathers who are not present. This day is about positivity. While I believe those "sperm donors" need to be put on front street to hopefully get them to step up, this day is not about them. This day is about the men who have accepted their responsibility and answered the call of fatherhood. This day is about the men who do not look for any certificates or accolades or recognition. This day is about the real fathers and their children who look up to them as their heroes. The men who have shaped their kids' lives, regardless of biological connection. This is a day of celebration. Don't give a deadbeat the satisfaction of a diss. Save it for child support court appearances. Happy Father's Day to all of the REAL fathers out there! Peace and love to all of you!

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