Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Monday, August 16, 2010

GREATmorning all! Happy Monday! Here is today's quote:  
"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."
-Joseph Campbell

Growing up my superheroes were not the nerdy guy who changed into a red & blue cape in a phone booth. He didn't drive a sleek black sportscar. They couldn't fly. They didn't have any superpowers. My heroes were people in the community with their sleeves rolled up working hard to make a difference. They were the teachers who stayed a few hours after school to ensure all students understood the day's lesson. They were the firefighters who taught us about firesafety. They were the police officers who worked to "protect & serve" my community. They were the mothers and fathers who believed in the idea that "it takes a village to raise a child" and helped keep everyone in line. Their power was in their perserverance. The talent was in their tenacity. Their ability was withdrawn from their agility. Today I challenge you all to change the face of superheroes in your community and in your career. Be the example for your colleagues. Do random acts of kindness especially when you dont think some one is watching. Become a hero. The world will smile upon you.

Sidenote: DC restaurant week starts today until August 22!  If you are in the area, click here for a list of participating restaurants.


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