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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Good morning peeps! You know the drill...below is today's out the door quote:

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."
-Thomas Merton 

Make your health and your sanity a priority in your life. I know it sounds cliche but its worth addressing the power of having a healthy mind. Find an outlet for your stress and your anger. Whether its a 3 mile run 3 times a week or a weekly mani/pedi combo or writing in a daily journal find out what works for you. Personally, I write poetry and listen to music to change my mood or to help prevent a burnout. Find your own solutions and stick with them. If you are not sure what they are, open yourself up to explore new things. I cant play guitar well but I've found even attempting to play has eased my mind when my usual methods didnt seem to do the trick. Here's another little secret: sometimes when I'm alone in elevators I dance! Schedule time to vent your passions if you feel you cant find the time. The key is not to think of it as finding "extra" time but to view it as using your time more wisely so that you can nurture your mental health. Your passions and your outlets should be something you can go to when you are frustrated or at your wit's end. Find them! Nurture them! Use them!

What do you all do to support your mental health and to prevent burnouts? Share your tips.


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