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Friday, August 13, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Good morning beautiful people! Here is today's quote:

“The most successful people are those who are good at Plan B.”   -James Yorke

As we transition from work to weekend mode, we grow more excited about our weekend plans. Whether you're planning to go to dinner with friends at a new restaurant or spending your entire weekend in the bed doing nothing more than snacking and using your remote, the weekend is often an exciting time for many people. We can make plans, and then life happens. What the weekend has taught me is the importance of having a plan B. Moreover, it has taught me the important of having a quality plan B. One of the greatest (and most frustrating) things about life is that it is unpredictable. You may have planned for several weeks for a night on the town with your friends and then one of your friend's left her headlights on and the carpool fell through. Do you scramble to make the night happen anyway or do you give up and stay in for the night? You spent months drafting and revising your business plan and you finally landed a meeting with a group of investors. On the morning of your presentation, there is a flash flood in your neighborhood and you are trapped. Do you call your investors immediately to cancel the meeting or do you pool your resources together to attempt a videochat first?

The challenge for today is to have a plan B. You can overcome adversity a whole lot easier if you have a back up plan. Having a quality plan B will also teach you to be flexible. No matter how much you plan, there will always be unpredictable variables. Great people leave room for variables and even learn to anticipate them.


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