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Monday, October 04, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

GREAT morning beautiful people!! Happy Monday!
“I think we all wish we could erase some dark times in our lives. But all of life's experiences, bad and good, make you who you are. Erasing any of life's experiences would be a great mistake.” -Louis Miguel 

Dont start your week or your days consumed by things you regret. Instead, use the experiences as a  catalyst to make a change. Remember that everything you do, have done and will do are all a part of your character. Regretting those things is like resenting a part of who you have become. Take the time to honor yourself and to honor those around you by embracing your mistakes. If you deem necessary, discuss your mistakes with people you trust and seek guidance from your mentors to prevent making the same mistake twice. Remember the first step to making a difference is recognizing that you are not perfect. Acknowledge that you have shortcomings and learn to make them work to your advantage. Do not ever under any circumstances allow your mistakes to make you feel "less than" or like you are not as good as someone else. You are worthy of greatness and you will achieve excellent things!

October is the month of NO EXCUSES!! Stop making excuses and start making things happen!  If you have not heard it this week, I believe in you!

Today's song choice: The Temptations-Shout. I hope this helped get your Monday off to a wonderful and positive start.

Sidenote: Let the countdown begin for my birthday!!!


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