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Friday, October 29, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

GREAT morning beautiful people!!! TGIF!

“Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar while the small birds take cover” -Unknown
With the approach of the holidays, there will be plenty of commercials, magazine ads and people telling you about all the wonderful things you should celebrate. I always found it amazing how that works considering that I believe LIFE is something to celebrate. My challenge to you is not to wait until you're given a reason to celebrate but to create your own reasons. If you're struggling with the concept, start with the basics and progress to the more advanced. Celebrate the fact that you have the eyesight and sane mind to read this post. If dark clouds appear overhead, continue to celebrate in the shadows because the dark clouds wont last. If you celebrate during times of adversity, you will shine even brighter when the sun shines again. Celebrate!

Today's Song Choice: Gloria Gaynor-I will Survive


Sidenote: Can someone explain to me when we started skipping Thanksgiving and going straight to Christmas in terms of holiday preparation??

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