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Friday, October 22, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

GREAT morning beautiful people!! Happy Friday! 

You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.” -Harvey S. Firestone

I challenge you all to give a little bit more of yourself today. I know its Friday but I'm determined to help everyone break the cycle of the "Friday Rush." Whats the "Friday Rush" you ask? The Friday Rush is a trifecta: The RUSH to get to Friday, the RUSH to get through Friday and the RUSH to get out of the door on Friday. I want all of you to offer your goals and tasks the same level of dedication regardless of the day of the week. Do not give in to the pressure to cherish Fridays more than you cherish any other day and do not allow yourself to dread Mondays. Go the extra mile today and every other day and you will reap the rewards.  The more others see you give of yourself the more likely you will be to motivate them. When people you associate with see you elevating yourself they will want to become better versions of themselves. Continue to carry yourself with pride, integrity and respect. 

P.S. Find a community service project and give back to your community this weekend! 

No Excuses! 

Love!!!! ! 

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