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Monday, October 11, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

GREAT morning beautiful people!!

"We shall never have more time. We have, and always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. Keep going...Concentrate on something useful.” 
-Arnold Bennett

Do you have something you need to be doing right now? Why aren't you doing it?? 
Can't focus? Eliminate distractions! Logoff of Facebook, turn your phone off, turn off all notification devices, 
Don't have the resources you need? Take the initiative to find them! 
Lack motivation? Make a list of things you need to accomplish before the year is over and cross things off one at a time. As time passes, you will feel better about yourself and pretty soon you will be unstoppable! 
Regardless of what excuse you may have for putting things off until later, there is always a better reason to take care of what you need to do now so you can do what you want to do later. 

NO excuses!! 

P.S. I chose today's quote as a way to motivate myself and I hope it motivates you all as well. I dont know about you but I tend to believe I do my best work while I'm in the clutch.  Then my body crashes and I realize that I need to slow down.  I keep telling myself that I have learned my lesson with procrastinating but then I revert back to my bad habits and end up doing things at the last minute. I need help! Feel free to share your tips! 

 Thanks for stopping by! Make a fist and put a serious beat down on those Monday blues!! 


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