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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary Mr. President!!

Today is the 1st anniversary of President Barack Obama taking the official oath of office as the 44th President of the United States and our first African American President. He inspired our nation not to give up on its leaders and to be the change we want to see. His campaign signs assured us that he was the "Change we can believe in". From the beginning of his journey, Obama broke records. He broke monthly campaign fundraising records and he is the first President who understands America's attachment to their blackberries. He inspired us all to believe in our dreams and to embrace change. 2 days ago, he became the first President to tweet (update a status on Twitter). He encouraged us to hold fast to our dreams in the face of adversity. He became an example of what it meant to have the audacity of hope. He spoke about unity regardless of your political affiliation, race and national origin. Young voters came out in record numbers during primary elections and to cast their votes on November 4, 2008.  Yes we can! Yes we did!

One of Obama's speeches, which was also used as a campaign slogan inspired the Emmy winning video "Yes we can." The video still inspires me. Those three words are so simple and yet so powerful. They inspired millions and reminded us that we are not as divided as our politics of our nation suggest. From coast to coast and sea to shining sea "Yes we can."  

Here is his victory speech from Grant Park in Chicago:

One of my favorite quotes from the POTUS:

The true test of the American ideal is whether we’re able to recognize our failings and then rise together to meet the challenges of our time. Whether we allow ourselves to be shaped by events and history, or whether we act to shape them.
Barack Obama

From the 4am wake up call to the hours in line. I remember it like it was yesterday. We chanted during our train ride over and stood for hours in freezing temperatures. We stood bundled up and uncomfortably cold. The music played and we all reflected on the historic moment. The crowd began to roar with cheer and heads turned as the President and First Lady exited the car.  I am proud to say I took part in American history and I will forever remember that day. Words cannot describe the feeling.

Share your memories about President Obama's journey to history and your favorite quotes in the comments area. 

We are change!

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