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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tell us how you REALLY feel...

Welcome back to the place where you can post blatantly honest and blunt comments without fear of persecution. No hold's barred! This is your chance to say what you want and tell us how you REALLY feel!

Background: TLC has a new show called "One big happy family" which centers around the Coles, a dangerously obese family that has made a vow to slim down and change their lifestyle. The combined weight of the 4 member family is 1377 pound: Mother, Tameka weighed in at 380 lbs.; Father, Norris is 340 lbs.; 16-year-old daughter Amber was 348 lbs. and Shayne was 308 lbs. The family is pictured above. Based on the way the family is portrayed some say it is furthering the negative stereotypes about the attitudes and behaviors of African American people. Others argue it can offer a glimmer of hope to other obese Americans with similar struggles who need motivation to change their lifestyle.

So beautiful people of HUSL Today, tell us how you REALLY feel about the Big Happy Cole family! Do you tune in?

Remember you can remain anonymous!

Be Young;
Be Professional;
Be Great!

1 comment:

D. Warren said...

I think this show is going to be positive. America as a whole is an obese nation and African-Americans suffer disproportionately from the effect of high blood pressure and heart disease. I am interested in seeing the journey of this family. Overall, I think we need to get over ourselves. While we may feel there are not enough positive images of African-American life TV, we aren't alone. Think back to the Jon & Kate situation. Now, the Frank "The Entertainer" reality show. Imagine if Frank was black and living in his Momma's house. Country Music Television for exhibit B. CMT is buffoonery at it's best but it's not not offensive because white people don't where shoes that don't fit them. As black people, we make the argument that most black people aren't hood or country but by making that argument we are casting off our own people. It's time that we embrace every segment of our population and accept each other for who we are. I don't believe there are many positive images/models on TV anymore. This family and other weight-loss focused reality shows inspire.

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