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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Feeling under the weather

For some, being sick means you take a day or so off get rest and then you bounce back. Being under the weather for me is a lot like dealing with a 4 year old. Think Legally Blonde meets Daddy Day Care. I am extra cranky, extra needy and downright difficult to deal with. I'll call the nearest person to my bedside just to give me a cup of water or the remote that I forgot in the kitchen. A year ago I would have been on the floor in the fetal position ordering someone to make me more soup. I may look normal but on the inside I feel like beetlejuice. Mucus is everywhere and I can't enjoy food because my tastebuds are out of wack. Cough attacks are no fun.  Delusion is bliss.

Don't get me wrong being sick has its perks. There are people who will wait on you and check on you. The attention always feels great but the excitement of it dies down quickly. As soon as I finally drift off to sleep someone calls or texts to see if I feel any better. I must admit I have met this episode with a different attitude. I want to complain, I want to throw fits and I want cake but I can't indulge in those things. Why? Because its not in HIS will. Since I've changed my attitude about life things do not seem as bad as I would normally make them out to be.  While I would rather be 100% healthy, I will take this as a sign that my body needs rest. I only have 1 life (on earth) and 1 body so I might as well make the most of both of them.

Regular posting will resume tomorrow.

Te Amo.

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