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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Morning Inspiration

GREAT morning everyone!!

"If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity, it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life, and when it comes, hold your head high. Look it squarely in the eye, and say, “I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me." -Ann Landers

If you haven't done so already, take the time to give thanks for the blessing of life today. Before I get started on my daily rant I want to warn you all. My brain is still filled with endorphins from my vacay and I can't stop smiling. Its so bad that even when I encounter things that would tick me off before I just *smile.* Nothing like getting a new assignment that will take an hour to complete when you're supposed to get off work in 12 minutes right? I digress. I know how I always promote positive thinking here and I do not want you all to let go of that. However, I also want you all to be realistic. I have learned that when you live realistically and expect things to go wrong it allows you to anticipate them and it softens the blow when things go wrong. Do not be mistaken, I am NOT telling you all to walk around expecting terrible things to happen to you because that is no way to live. What I want you all to understand is that bad things happen but you don't have to be devastated when they happen. Life is characterized by obstacles and as Young Professionals we must all become experts and overcoming them. I do not want you all to sit around believing life will always be "peachy" because it won't be. You can fake like it is if that makes you feel better. Look at all of life's unexpected twists and turns and say "I do not fear you. I will beat you!"

As one of my friends says, every day above ground is a good day! Enjoy your day!

Today's Song choice: Kes the Band-Wotless . Who knew I would love soca music artists so much?

Spread Love!

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