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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daily Inspiration from HUSL Today

GREAT morning everyone! Happy Tuesday!! Pop Quiz: How many of you watched the BCS Championship last evening? If you missed it, google it or something because it was one of the best football games I have watched in a long while. Ok back to business...below is today's quote:
“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”-Albert Pine
Now that the holidays are over we are all going back to our "normal lives" of tight schedules, tight deadlines and even tighter jeans (I know I'm not the only one that gained holiday weight!). While you may no longer see commercials encouraging you to donate to St. Judes and there is no longer a volunteer standing outside of your grocery store ringing a bell, there are still people in need. The children in need of care at St. Judes dont disappear after New Years and neither do the people who utilize the services of the Salvation Army. Although you may not hear about it as much, the people of Haiti are still in need as well. I encourage you all to make a commitment to give of yourself to someone in need today. While the media paints a picture of a person in need  as one with tattered clothing and a shopping cart filled with their prized possessions, everyone in need does not fit that profile. Old proverbs and general wisdom sayings tells us that looks can be deceiving as one's appearance does not always reveal his/her struggles. For example:
A woman who is overwhelmed by a new baby.
A man who is mourning the loss of his father.
A child who tells you their father was recently deployed.
A soldier who recently returned to the states and is adjusting to life as a civilian.

More when you read the rest...

None of those people will wear a name tag that says "Hi I need you to be kind to me today because I'm going through a lot." Even if all you do on a daily basis is say a few kind words to a perfect stranger, find a way to give of yourself to others. You may also choose to volunteer at an elementary school once a week or as a mentor to inner city high school girls but choose something that works for you. It does not have to be on a grand scale.Nobody can do everything but everyone can something.You may choose to visit a grandparent and make them dinner tonight or donate your unwanted books to charity. Whatever you choose to do, give of yourself with a pure spirit and do not look for anything in return. You were born with nothing and you can take nothing with you upon your death so what will you leave behind? What will your legacy be? How will your spirit and your memory live on? OR here is an easier question: What will you give of yourself today?

Special NOTE: Today is the very first "Trailblazers Tuesday" where we will profile at least one "trailblazing" African American from the past or present. This means the return of the "HUSL Today Salute" every Tuesday!! Do you know someone we should profile? Send their info to

Today's song choice: En Vogue-Free Your Mind


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