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Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear Diary, I Need To Share A Word Of Encouragement

Caveat: I know the purpose of this blog is not to air out my personal business so when I post things I try to keep it objective while also protecting my private life. Eff it, its exception making time. 

This post is partly to encourage you all, but I can tell sharing my feelings will be therapeutic for me as well. You could not have told me 3 years ago I would graduate law school and be underemployed. In fact, if you had told me that I probably would have treated you to a roundhouse kick to your face and called you bad names. I was a lesser woman back then. Still, I awaken EVERY morning with a smile on my face and ready to face the day. There are so many things I look forward to and I smile at the blessings I see while acknowledging God for the ones I don't see. Don't get scared, I'm not about to start preaching. Darn heathens were ready to stop reading. Tisk!

We have a new guy at work and after hearing my story (recent law grad, etc) he asked me how I keep going in the face of everything? I happily told him there is no other option but for me to keep going. What are we supposed to do? Stop living? I'm not bout that life. I mean my life is about a lot of things but giving up has NEVER been my steez. I take it a day at a time. I truly believe life is too short to sit around and feel miserable. I can't focus on what I am missing but I can choose to appreciate what I have. It may rain everyday but at least I'm blessed to have a raincoat. Do you see what I did there? 

I can't ever allow myself to forget that there are people who would like to be where I am. YES, I just said that. There are people who desired to apply but never got around to sending off their apps to law school. There are people who could never grasp the concepts on the LSAT. I can choose to focus on the fact that I don't have the job I truly want yet but what good would that do for my life? I long one day to open my own business and be my own boss. Does it bother me that I'm not there yet? Damn skippy. I'm a boss at heart. I don't like taking orders from others especially when I believe I could run a business way better than them. I am better at giving orders but I treat my current situation is a learning experience. I believe I will be a better boss because of it. 

I won't sit here and pretend like I don't ever feel down on myself but I can tell you those moods don't last long. I have learned to let go of my pride and reach out to my friends and family for encouragement. Its refreshing to hear them tell me how far they know I'm destined to go.  It reminds me of all the dreams I told them I had and I want them to hold me accountable. I can't live my dreams if I live my life feeling sorry for myself because times got a lil hard. I'm still eating well, sleeping well and laughing often I just can't up and go to Paris like I dreamed I would. 

"Things could be worse." Thats what people tell me. I believe them but it doesn't always make things better. Surround yourself with people who love and care about you.  

If no one has told you lately, I want to tell you to keep dreaming. Don't ever stop working towards becoming what you want to become.

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