Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Monday, February 07, 2011

Morning Inspiration

GREAT morning everyone! I hope you all did not party too much on Superbowl Sunday because its time to get back to the grind! Hey I made a rhyme! Moving below for today's quote:

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. -Harriet Tubman

I have said it once and I will say it once again, at this EXACT moment you have everything within you to transform the world around you. YOU have all the power, strength and passion you need to make your dreams a reality. There are things you will need to learn, but aside from those things your characteristics are a gift. Gifts are meant to be opened and used to their highest capacity. Do not sell yourself short by hiding your gifts from the world!! How many of you still have holiday gifts you haven't opened? How many years do you allow holiday gifts to sit and fester? If you do not allow material gifts to sit and rot, why are you doing the same thing to your innate gifts? Why do you think you were born with a natural ability to do certain things? 

You were meant to use your life experiences to "marry" your gifts to your surroundings. If you have a natural athletic ability and you work in an office that requires you to be at a desk, use your gifts to start a fitness challenge between your co-workers. If you have a natural ability to speak well in front of crowds and you work at a customer service call center, use your ability to organize team meetings and company pow-wows. I could go on and on with examples but I think you get the point. Your surroundings are not an excuse to not use your gifts. You may not be where you want to be in life right now but neither are the Steelers. Do you see what I did there? *giggles* My point is for you all to learn to incorporate your gifts into your life right now and take full advantage of them. Tap into your gifts!!! 

The Randoms:

1. Shout out to Green Bay Packers the Superbowl Champs!!! Yea uh huh you know what it is! Special hugs for all of my "cheeseheads!" Green and Yellow, Green and Yellow, Green and Yellow! As a tribute to the Packers, today's song choice is a song Lil Wayne recently recorded, "Green N Yellow." Warning: NSFW version. Word to Vince Lombardi. 

2. In 2007, Mike Tomlin became the first African-American head-coach for the Pittsburg Steelers and the 10th African-American head coach in NFL history.

Spread Love! 

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