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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Morning Inspiration

GREAT morning everyone! Happy Hump Day!!

"Today is just a good day in disguise" -Paul Venghaus

Its freezing.
Its cloudy.
Its raining.
Traffic is extra terrible.
Work is tough.
My co-worker is getting on my nerves.
Friends are unavailable.
There isn't enough time in the day.

All of these are things we could complain about, but I challenge you not to. I encourage all of you to start looking at your days as opportunities to make great memories. Instead of complaining about the rain, marvel at the beauty of the rain drops splattering on your newly waxed car. Instead of complaining about traffic, plug in your iPod and listen to your favorite songs. Instead of complaining about well you get the point. Despite how your day may have started out, you still have a chance to make it a good one. I want you all to be able to climb into bed this evening and think "WOW! Today turned out to be a good day."

Life is beautiful. 

Try repeating that phrase out loud when things get tough. I promise you it will help you keep things in perspective. It will allow you to recognize the ups and downs without losing sight of the beauty of it all. When your boss gives you a new project at 4pm on Friday, accept it and say "life is beautiful." You may not want the extra work, but you could be unemployed.  Everyday you are alive is an opportunity to enjoy all of life's beauties.

Today's song choice: Lupe Fiasco-I'm Beamin

Spread Love!

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