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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Morning Inspiration

GREAT morning everyone! Happy "Almost Friday!" I hope your week has been productive and fun so far!

Thoughts can be used one of two ways, like a Band-Aid or like a rubber band. Choose to stretch. - Rhonda LaShae
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. - James Allen

Today's focus is on conscientiousness. You may recall me saying this before and its worth repeating: YOU control your thoughts.  I encounter so many people who have lost control. They are allowing their life to spiral out of control. They have forgotten that they control their mind state. Their relationships are in the dumps and so are their attitudes and finances. Stop allowing your situation to control how you think. When you find yourself getting discouraged, stop and find something to be thankful for. You may be unemployed but you have a strong support system. You may be broke but at least you have friends and family who have stepped in to lend a hand and a few bucks. You may be lonely but at least you have Twitter followers who check in on you *giggles*.  Your internet may be intermittent but at least it worked long enough to submit the assignment you waited until the last minute to finish. You get my point.

Learning to control how you think about your life is not only a good thing it is imperative for your sanity. Wake up and realize YOU are the master of your life. Don't be afraid to boldly go where you know you should be going anyway! Stop fighting your spirit and allow it to take you to the pinnacle of your potential!  You are stronger than you think you are. You are smarter than you think you are. You are more capable than you think you are. You are everything you need to be. You are the captain of your own ship. Where will you sail?

A random sidenote: A guy approached me in the grocery store yesterday and he immediately opened up to me about his troubles. Picture it: I'm standing in line with my Crunchberries (DJM) and Quaker oatmeal thinking of what I would make for breakfast today and a random man makes eye contact with me. I was thinking he would come try to get my number but he managed to strike up a convo with me about my cereal. We laughed and then it got REAL. Granted, I just wanted to buy my cereal but after I recognized he really needed to get the things he was telling me off of his chest I listened more intently. I noticed he assumed a lot about my past in the way he told his story and I didn't know how to immediately respond. My instinct (and my weakness) is to always try to control the conversation, especially with random strangers. When I looked around and realized I was in a public place with ample security, a little voice told me not to try to control the conversation but to simply listen. We stepped away from the checkout counter and I allowed him to tell me his story. He spoke about his struggles at home and how he felt he couldn't go to his wife or daughter with his issues because he feared how they would judge him. I responded with words of encouragement and challenged him to go to his wife and daughters with his feelings because they could help them all to grow closer. Not only did I learn something about his life, I learned something about myself.  I used to be quick to dismiss people like the man in the grocery store and I have learned to stop and listen.  A quick run to a grocery store 6 minutes away from my residence turned into a 40 minute trip and I wouldn't change it.  The point of me sharing this is to encourage you all to listen when random people come and talk to you. There is a message behind every interaction we have. There is a reason people are drawn to you. You may not think you want to hear what they have to say but they could very well offer you direction in your own struggles. You may learn how to handle things through their mistakes. They may be on the verge of a break and they see you as someone who may be able to offer advice. Just my thoughts...

Today's Song Choice: Dru Hill-How Deep is your love? 
Spread Love!!

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