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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Morning Inspiration

GREAT morning beautiful people!!!

It is the duty of youth to bring its fresh powers to bear on Social progress. Each generation of young people should be to the world like a vast reserve force to a tired army. They should lift the world forward. That is what they are for. -Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Do you realize as Young Professionals we are the future of business, technology and everything else involving our world? We will be running the country within the next 5-10 years.  Isn't that the most amazing thing?! It is if you ask me. Not amazing enough? Well do you also realize that we will be CEOs, CFOs, company execs, millionaires and housewives (if you aren't already one) and subsequently can call ourselves someone's boss (if you aren't already one)?! We will be the people finishing the space stations and protecting the lives of our neighbors. We have an obligation to the next generation to raise the bar by giving them better opportunities than we had. Do you ever sit and think about these things? I do it all the time. I encourage you all to set aside silent time weekly (yes that means every week) and let your mind wander. If nothing else, it will give you time to see how AMAZING you are! Where does your mind take you? Allow yourself to dream BIG. Find some time to just be alone with your thoughts and get to know yourself. If we are going to be the future, we have to know who we are. Its ok to surprise yourself with your greatness but it is not ok to be uncomfortable with exploring your greatness. You cannot be a leader of tomorrow if you don't know how your own mind ticks, yes? This means you will have to figure out how you learn and how your brain works. Are you a visual learner or hands-on? Do you learn from experience or is hearing the information sufficient?! Knowing these things is crucial to honing your leadership abilities. Knowing this about yourself is crucial to your ability to learn new things. As a leader, you must always be open to learning and building your knowledge.

It is our duty to bring progress and change to the world. Our parents and CEOs have created a world of opportunity and it is our responsibility to take advantage of it.

Today's Song Choice: The Jackson 5-Who's Loving You


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