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Monday, July 16, 2012

Are You Convenient Pussy?

That question is rude as all fucks right? I know. What is Convenient Pussy(CP)? CP is no different from a convenience store: Its open late, requires little effort and fits in well with a person's existing plans or desires. Let's talk about it, shall we? 

CP is around not because of quality or desire but because it is available. He wanted someone to fuck and she was there. He wanted a BJ and she was there. She tried being sexually open and its not filling for her. She has her eyes on the girlfriend title but instead of asking for it, she has decided to play his game and wait for him to come around. She keeps sexing him consistently waiting for him to see her greatness. CP is playing by his ever-changing rules. CP doesn't want to accept that he never made a move because he doesn't consider her girlfriend material. Read that last sentence again. Let it marinate. See how she's hustling backwards (waiting for a guy to come around who never has plans to do so)? She never misses his call. She doesn't travel far because she doesn't want to miss an opportunity to "see him." When she's away, she knows deep down her plumber is laying pipe in someone else's home. She's hurting too. 
What CP Looks Like 

Its 4pm on a Saturday afternoon. CP calls Splackavellie to ask him out for drinks later that evening. He sees her call and ignores her on purpose. Fast forward 12 hours to 4am on Sunday morning. Splackavellie texts CP:
"Wussup, u sleep?" 
Excited to finally hear back from him, CP answers "I'm up waiting to see you" immediately. That's a damn lie. She was asleep. After learning Splack is on his way and he's drunk, she quickly straightens her room and takes a hoe bath before answering the door in lingerie with fresh breath. They sex. They sweat. They sleep. He has a reason why he can't stay after eating her dry ass scrambled egg breakfast platter and she accepts it. Repeat 3-4 times/week. Gather round chil'ren!!! In case you didn't see it, CP is on-call pussy.  He makes the decision about when they will have sex. She drops her panties on his schedule. He doesn't care if she has a big presentation at work tomorrow. He doesn't even care if she has a fever. He deletes all of her photo comments on Facebook and doesn't have her number stored under her real name in his phone. She gets off when he subtweets her so he never has to mention her. She's convinced herself its not a big deal. CP is caught the fck up.  

CP isn't always good pussy, its just available pussyCP is out of touch with reality. She doesn't think she is CP.  She thinks he keeps coming back to her because she has good pussy and dope BJs. Why else would he keep coming back? It must be GOOD right? He wouldn't lie just to keep her around, right? Cuz y'know he's a good person. Wrong. Everyone does fucked up things then claims they're a good person. Oh he bought you a few gifts and took you out to Cheesecake Factory on a late night tip? Y'all gonna be in a relationship soon, right? If you believe that why are you giving him ultimatums saying you will leave if he didn't step up then going back on your word? I call bullshit. 
Moment of Truth
It's time for us all to have a moment of truth.
Does he come around for any other reason than to have sex?
Does he ask you how your day went?
Are you around each other enough to have a real argument? Does he know your favorite color?
Does he make an effort to be seen in public with you?
Does he tell you to stay quiet when he answers the phone around you?
Do you feel like he sneaks in and out of your house/apt?  
Are you strictly monogamous?
Does he get ghost when you're menstruating?  
You don't have to answer these questions out loud, but you should answer them honestly for yourself. Moving on. . .

A common misconception is only hoes get caught up in these kinds of things. People could not be more wrong. Those same people need to mind their own damn business. CP is not always weak-minded. CP is not stupid. CP is not lame. CP is not always a loose woman. Most of the women who end up being CP are the educated, classy, shy or naïve women who get jammed up by a nigga w/a smooth mouth. They are the women more concerned with keeping their numbers low than finding a man who treats them right. They are also the women who stick around because they feel "attached." We can't forget the women who say "I won't be comfortable with anyone else the way I'm comfortable with him." Gworllll!!! Get your motherfucking life together!

Don't get it twisted, men can be Convenient Penis too. They are the men we sex to keep us from going back to our ex in the first weeks after a break-up. The men who have been playing the friend role for years waiting for a free feel-up of the coochie. The rebound men who are there when she's newly single and just wants someone to come over and hold her. Oh yea, there are men who will come over just to hold us and they don't file nary a complaint. Call 'em what you want. 

Ms. Used-To-Be CP
After she recovers from being CP she wants to be a "new woman." But first, she has to bash men and wonder why she's single since she's such a catch. She damns herself by comparing her relationships with other people she knows. *Bazinga* She clouds newsfeeds and timelines with posts like "All men these days want is sex." She just wants someone to love her. I see you gworl! CP might try celibacy for a few years or demand a relationship before she gives up the draws to the next man. She might make him wait 90 days because it makes her feel like she's less of a hoe. She says shit like "My next boyfriend will be my last." She ignores the scars left by her past experience by choosing to reinvent herself and pretend like it never happened. Depending on how deep her connection was, she might cut off the hair she used to brag about or move to a new city. She raises her standards and puts the next man through the ringer making it difficult for him to break through her walls. Pun. 

Don't get stuck being CP when you know you want more. The moment you don't feel comfortable discussing an important topic with the person you're smanging is the moment you need to find an exit. I'm serious. If you can't communicate like adults, you shouldn't be having sex. Now is the time to stop being scared to ask for what you want. If you're going to have pussy with standards, make sure they are yours to hold on to. Don't adopt certain standards because you think people will judge you, live your life.  

If you're not ready for a relationship but you meet a man you want to have sex with, be smart about it. Make sure you keep your feelings in check. If you decide to make it a regular thing just know you will start catching feelings. Don't deny your own happiness to please a man who doesn't value you. If you share your desire for something more serious and he rejects you be prepared to walk away. When it's time to end it, make a clean break. Don't act like you need him to be your friend. Block his email address. Don't keep his number in your phone. Don't stay connected with him on Facebook and Twitter. Delete all text message threads between the two of you.  Now you just have to get used to being called a selfish bitch by men who aren't worthy of your treasure. That's life. 

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