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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

That Post About God


Surprised to see a post about God? I'm pretty sure some of you will never check my blog again. Thats fine. My younger sister is currently being prepped for surgery so naturally I sit with a heavy heart. For those who don't know me well, music is a big part of my life. I listen to it when I write, clean, drive and run etc. Most importantly, whenever I am in a funk and I need to break out of it, I turn to music. One of my go-to gospel songs is "Encourage Yourself" Whenever I need a solid burst of encouragement, I close my eyes and sing along. 

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself. 
Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test. 
And no matter how you feel, 
speak the word and you will be healed; 
speak over yourself, 
encourage yourself in the Lord. 

There is so much in that one verse. It is so true. Sometimes you have to stop and encourage yourself. You have to speak victory while you're being tested. You can't always look around to get encouraged. Your mom won't always understand. Your dad won't always understand. Your best friend won't always understand. Encourage yourself. Tell yourself you will get through this and be stronger for it. 

Sometimes you have to speak the word over yourself, 
the pressure is all around, 
but God is present help. 
The enemy created walls, 
but remember giants, they do fall; 
speak over yourself, 
encourage yourself in the Lord. 

I realize I may not reach all of you with this message. I know at least ONE of you needs to read this. I know what it feels like to look for a sign from God that things will be ok. To ask him if you made the right choice. To look for his guiding hand. I know what its like to have your heart thirst for reassurance. I know what its like to feel like you can't handle the pressure and face the real possibility of failure. I have been through it all, honey. There is nothing you can tell me about the greatness of God that I haven't already experienced for myself. I know my God is bigger than ANY problem that weighs on us. When you're troubled, don't self-medicate. Speak to God and trust him to order your steps.  

Anyway, I just stopped for a  moment to tell everyone to stay encouraged. I know some of you are prepping for the bar and I am praying for all of you. Some of you are underemployed or unemployed lookin for a job. Some of you don't know how you're going to pay your bills this month. I'm not here to predict what is troubling you. I'm no healer or prophet and I don't claim to be. I just want to encourage you. I may not go name by name or household by household but just know if I have come into contact with you, I am praying for you. Always. 

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