Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Friday, February 19, 2010

How fast are your thumbs??

Kate Moore, a lively 16-year-old high school sophomore from Des Moines, Iowa has been crowned the National Texting Champion.

Soon after, she entered the LG U.S. National Texting Championship held in New York and won, netting a cool $50,000 and a seat in the burgeoning sport's worldwide championship, held last month.

"For each round we had a long string of words that seemed never wanted to be as fast as you could. Some rounds you had to do it with your partner, and come up with a strategy."

It took me 56 seconds to type it, how about you give it a try?

Find out more about the competition here.

How do you feel about the now blurry lines between talking and texting? Has texting taken over our lives and made us more distant from each other? *raises hand* I'm guilty of sending more than a few thousand messages every month. I guess I should start getting on the horn more often.

Share your results and your $.02 on the competition in the comment section.

By the way here are some common acronyms and abbreviations for the those new to texting:

BTW: By the way
BRB: Be right back
BC: Because
BRT: Be right there
BZ: Busy
CUL8R: See you later
DCWIO: Dont care who I offend
DIY: Do it yourself
DJM: Dont judge me
EVL: Evil Villain Laugh
FTW: For the win
JK: Just kidding
ILY: I love you
IMO: In my opinion
L8R: Later
LOL: Laugh out loud
LMBO: Laughing my butt off
OTW: On the way
OMW: On my way
4NR: Foreigner
ROFLMBO: Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off (reserved only for the extremely funny)

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