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Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Words to Know

Today's word to know is:

Circuitous (adj.)

Pronunciation : ser-kyo-itess


1. lengthy because very indirect
2. being or taking a roundabout, lengthy course
3. marked by obliqueness or indirection in speech or conduct
4. deviating from a straight course
5. not direct in manner or language or behavior or action
6. not direct in spatial dimension

Synonyms: anfractuous, circular, devious, indirect, oblique, roundabout, tortuous

Examples in context:

• The circuitous bus route between the two cities went here, there and everywhere and it took an extremely long time to get anywhere.

• A circuitous argument is very similar to a circular argument, which is one that ends up where it begins or attempts to prove something without offering any new information. To say, A majority is that which exists when there is a majority, is to give a circular, or tautological, definition of the word majority.


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