Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Friday, February 05, 2010

Movies to watch in honor of black history

If you're under 30 you did not get the opportunity to grow up during the Civil Rights Movement. That is why it is imperative that you take the initiative to learn about what life was like before the world was blessed with your presence. In some cases, it is difficult to fully grasp what all the hoopla is about because we were not there. Hopefully this segment can allow you the opportunity to learn more about the fight for equality.

Do the Right Thing (1989) - A classic Spike Lee joint. It is set in Brooklyn during a steamy summer and it takes a look at urban life and all the anger and racial tension that goes along with it.

Summary: One of the characters requests that Sal, the proud owner of the local neighborhood pizzeria, place some photos of great African Americans on his "Wall of Fame." Sal sees no reason to change his ways. It's his place and he will do what he wants, and he insists on keeping the wall dedicated to great Italian Americans, even though the neighborhood is predominantly African-American and his audience and patrons are African Americans. Buggin Out is outraged. He insistently goes around the neighborhood urging a boycott of Sal's to see his request come to fruition peacefully but persuasively.
Curious about what happens next? Watch the movie!

Its use of 'Fight the Power' coupled with unique fashion statements makes for an entertaining night in. This is arguably Spike Lee's best movie as it landed him an Academy Award nomination for best screenplay. However due to the nature of the movie, it may be inappropriate for young children.

This weekend would be a great time to set aside family time to watch this great film! Especially if you're in the path of that wretched winter storm.


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