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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Golden Rules for Young Professionals Vol 2

I hope your day is going well my friends! Here's something else to think about. As young professionals we are constantly reminded of our shortcomings. We are subjected to negative labels such as "too inexperienced", "too young", "too underappreciated" or "too underemployed." The list of "too" can go on and on.

Whats more, many of our elders are quick to judge us before they give us a chance. Something I've noted is the lack of older professionals willing to give up their spot on the top. Although their reasons may be justifiable, the end result is stagnant industries with little to no new ideas. Young professionals offer new approaches to age-old problems. We offer innovative solutions and unique perspectives that are often overlooked. Do not be discouraged by the ignorance of those around you. Continue to perservere and in the face of adversity I encourage all of my HUSL Today friends to employ the following Golden Rule:

Do all the good you can.

By all the means you can.

In all the ways you can.

In all the places you can.

At all the times you can.

To all the people you can.

As long as ever you can.

John Wesley’s Rule

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