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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Good Morning my friends! Its a beautiful Thursday morning and I hope your day is off to a good start.

“If women want any rights more than they's got, why don't they just take them, and not be talking about it.”
-Sojourner Truth

While the subject of the quote is women, the underlying message applies to both males and females. We must all fight for our own rights and work to change how we are treated. I dare not compare the treatment of Young Professionals to the various suffrage movements and this is the last time they will be mentioned in the same sentence but I will say we must employ some of the same tactics if we want to change how we are treated. If you want to change the way people treat you, stop complaining and take action. No more griping about how your boss treats you or how you are not given meaningful responsibilities. Stand up and assert yourself. Change now, complain never.

Talk is cheap.

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