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Thursday, July 08, 2010

HUSL Today Presents: 6 TIPS for building your brand

Lets start with the basics...
What is a brand?
A brand is a symbol. Symbols are designs which represent something else, and a brand is meant to package all of the associations, experiences and characteristics into an abstract construct.

Why are brands important?
Your brand can help you win new customers and keep your existing customers coming back. Branding helps you set yourself apart from others and makes your approach memorable.

Now that we are all on the same page lets get down to business. Nearly all industries can benefit from a branded product, hence here are 6 TIPS for building your brand:

1. Give your brand CHARACTER. Infusing your brand with a little personality can help you define what it stands for. For example, if your brand is about cowboys in Texas then infusing your brand with wooden elements and other elements of the wild west can be very effective. Think of your brand as a person you want most people to like. Shape your brand’s character towards something which your audience will like to associate themselves with. Consider the wild success of the Mac vs. PC ads like the one pictured below.

2. Make your brand HONEST. People welcome honesty and transparency, and your business will be rewarded for it. Don’t offer something you can’t deliver. Instead, admit your fallibility and deliver on your promises. Integrity goes a long way.

3. Make your brand SPECIFIC.  Your brand promise should be precise and attainable, and you should be able to communicate it clearly. For example, consider the YKK zipper; their discret brand is probably on your favorite jeans and you may not have noticed. Their purpose is on connecting things and they have increased their market value because they do it well.

More after the jump.

4.Make your brand CONSISTENT.  How people remember things? We repeat them. Make your brand consistent so that it projects a uniform image. Customers like to rely on consistent companies because they know exactly what they are getting. Think about your favorite restaurant & the consistency in the quality of the food. Think about your favorite store and the consistency in the quality of merchandise. Consider the twitter icon. Although different sites feature different variations of the little blue bird, it remains easily identifiable.
5. Make your brand UNIQUE.  How would potential customers differentiate between your brand and your competitors? Put in theextra effort to create a unique image and you will not only stand out from your competitors, you’ll be more memorable, and that means a better chance that your visitors will come back for more.There is almost nothing that your competitors can't duplicate in a matter of weeks or months. If you have a great idea, you can be certain that somebody will copy it before long. And not only will they follow your lead, but they may also be able to do a better job or sell the product or service at a lower price.
Give your brand distinguishing characteristics.
Don’t underestimate the importance of a likable personality.
Don't underrate the power of a brand personality.
Don’t be misled by research that appears to diminish the role of personality.
Consider the unique red bottoms from Christian Louboutin. They are unique and easily identifiable (sans a good counterfeit). Source:

6. Give your brand an ONLINE IDENTITY. Companies that want to build their brand online may actually have an advantage over brands in the physical world. The Web allows companies to take on new edge or benefit that a company would not be able to use in the real world. Unlike other media, online customers can interact with the brand and its identity in a way that no other medium can offer. Keep in mind that the standard for customer support must be higher for the Web than it is in the off-line world. The most essential aspect of customer support on Web sites is to respond to every request for information with accurate answers or corrective actions within competitive time frames.
Some of the basics that your Web site should have include:

*Personal Domain Name
*Contact Information
*Simple site design and navigation
*Easy to identify prices, if applicable
*Quick server response

Remember this: People can steal your trade secrets. Eventually, your patents will expire. Your physical plant will wear out. Technology will change. But your brand can go on and live. It creates a lasting value above and beyond all the other elements of your business

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