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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Good morning all! I hope your Monday kicked your week off to a great start. Its time to get Tuesday off to a great start. Here's today's quote: 

Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan.
-Paul Meyer

Last evening I was watching a show called "The lotto changed my life"which profiled lotto winners and how winning the lottery made a huge impact on their lives. For most of them they went from barely nothing to tens of millions. One of the women profiled wrote her goals, one of which was winning the lottery, on a sheet of paper and placed it under her pillow-she has since accomplished all of them. I'm not condoning gambling as a way to accumulate your fortune but there is power in speaking everything into existence. It is also true that every reward requires a certain level of risk taking. While I wouldn't advise you to bet it all, I challenge you to consider what you are willing to bet to make your dreams come true? Are you willing to sacrifice a few nights of fancy dinner a week to save a few extra dollars in anticipation of your retirement? Are you willing to stop going to the mall for 6 months? Are you willing to sacrifice happy hours for a whole month? If it is really your dream and you are really serious about making it come true, no sacrifice will be too great for you.

Stay thirsty my friends...

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