Get Familiar with Talented Generation

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HUSL Today Salutes

Jimi Hendrix

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Jimi Hendrix was born Johnny Allen Hendrix (later changed to James Marshall) on November 27, 1942, in Seattle, Washington. Hendrix played his first note on the guitar as a teenager and began his journey to rock and roll stardom. He got his first guitar at 15 and within 4 years he would drop out of high school and enlist in the military.

After suffering an injury in 1962, Hendrix was discharged from the military. He used his time to pursue his musical career & played back up for performers such as Little Richard, Sam Cooke, and the Isley Brothers. 4 years later Hendrix joined forces with musicians Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell to create The Jimi Hendrix Experience; they  began their tour in London and amassed thousands of loyal fans.
Image source:!/%5BMen%5D%20by%20.Syke/JIMI-HENDRIX-4-NYC-th.jpg

More (including footage of Jimi performing live) after the jump. 

"Hey Joe," the band's first single, was an instant smash in Britain when it was released in 1967. The Hendrix Experience followed it with other hits such as "Purple Haze" and "The Wind Cried Mary." While on tour the same year, Hendrix delighted audiences with his outrageous guitar-playing skills and his innovative, experimental sound.

"Purple Haze"

"Hey Joe"

He won over American music fans with his stunning performance at the Monterey Pop Festival in June 1967, which ended with Hendrix lighting his guitar on fire. Check the performance below.

"Jimi Hendrix could get more out of an electric guitar than anyone else. He was the ultimate guitar player."
-Unkown Birkley Tribe journalist

His rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" at Woodstock received both praise and criticism. You can listen to the performance below and form your own opinions. As the sheer genius that he is, he's even played the tune using only a guitar and his teeth.

Although Hendrix pursued other projects after The Hendrix Experience split, he passed away before the projects saw any real success. Hendrix joined the ancestors on September 18th, 1970, at the tender age of 27. He left a mark on the world of music that changed it forever. Listening to his music makes me wish I knew more about what life was like in the 60s.

HUSL Today Salutes Jimi Hendrix!!

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