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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Out the door...inspirational quote to start your day

Good Morning everyone!!!

“The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for to-morrow which can be done to-day.”

-Abraham Lincoln

How can you go wrong with quoting Honest Abe? Abe Lincoln is alright in my book. He proclaimed he "could not tell a lie" AND he is on the penny (which comes in handy when you're paying sales tax). The circumstances under which he issued the emancipation proclamation are still mistaught today but I digress. Listen to Abe. It sounds cliche but do not put off things you know you should be doing today for tomorrow. The consequence of doing so is that your tasks will pile up and you may experience an overwhelming feeling when you can no longer put things off.

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