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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Déjà vu Politics: Mitt Romney announces his bid to become POTUS in 2012

As the GOP scrambles to find someone to lose compete against President Obama in 2012, Mitt Romney has emerged as a candidate (yes, again!). According to CNN, the former Massachusetts governor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate formally announced his second bid for the White House, declaring his candidacy at an event in New Hampshire, the state that holds the first primary in the presidential caucus and primary calendar.

Captain Obvious whispered into my ear that Romney's first order of business is to distance himself from our current President and he has already began drawing his line in the sand.  Says the man who tried to be everything to everyone in his first unsuccessful bid for the white house, "Barack Obama has failed America." Are you shocked? Yea me neither.

What else? Well its probably no surprise that only a few short hours after his announcement to run he has earned the title of "GOP frontrunner." Could you imagine how AWESOME it would be if only a few hours into your first day at work you became the "frontrunner" for the supervisor position?  

"From my first day in office my number one job will be to see that America once again is number one in job creation," Romney said when he announced his candidacy.
Romney is at or near the top of the most recent national polls of the Republican nomination horserace. He also appears to be the leading Republican presidential candidate when it comes to the battle for campaign cash. Romney aides say the campaign brought in more than $10 million from donors across the country during an all day phone bank held last month in Las Vegas.
Romney also spent much of April touring the country meeting with donors and fundraisers. He hopes to bring in an impressive haul for the crucial second quarter to show his strength as a candidate.
"Republicans are looking for someone who can take on President Obama, and right now, Romney is seen as the only Republican who can do that..." -Andrew Smith, Director of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.
 Romney raised $65.1 million in contributions for his 2008 bid for the GOP nomination. In addition he loaned his campaign $42.3 million from his personal funds.

Has anyone told him nobody competes for second place? I'm sorry, I should appear politically unbiased. Guess I failed huh? Oopsies and daisies.  In case no one has told him yet, Romney is going to need more than Romneycare, $100 million and experience in the private sector to beat President Obama. Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?  

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