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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Morning Inspiration

Good morning beautiful people! Its time for some morning inspiration. Are you ready? Well here is today's quote: 

"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."

As a budding professional itching to take the legal world by storm, I often struggle with situations where things seem out of whack. I don't allow them to stress me out but they are a source of concern for me. I have earned my degrees, I worked hard and I did my best but it sometimes seems like my ducks don't want to line up in a row. Those little rebellious bastards. Some of you may be thinking the same thing. Some of you may feel like everything is "peachy" and you don't know what the heck I'm talking about. Welp, today's post is not really for you "peachy" folks; I love ya but today's not your day. 

I am reminded of the above quote each time I feel like I have hit a dead end. I am a true lover of quotes and my apartment is filled with encouraging words so I have posted today's quote on my door. I see it before I leave my apartment everyday. If things get fishy throughout the day, I remind myself that its not the end. I also constantly reevaluate what I believe "ok" looks like. Admittedly, I sometimes have inflated views of reality and of myself, Victorian images even (*giggles*), and I have to force myself to come back to reality. Sometimes when I think things are horrible, I look at them from a different perspective and realize things are not bad at all. 

I stopped by to tell all of you that if things are not how you want them to be, renew your faith in yourself. Talk to your creator about the purpose for which he created you. Re-dedicate yourself to living a purpose driven life. You may not get the job you want or the life you want right now, but you MUST not give up on watching your dreams come true. You may have to work a job just to pay the bills but make the most of it. Continue to apply to your dream jobs and keep the faith in yourself. YOU were born worthy of greatness. YOU must proclaim great things for your life. We all fall short but don't allow your shortcomings to break your spirit. Perhaps you fell short for a reason. Maybe you are being groomed to acquire more of the skills you will need to succeed at a level beyond your dreams. Reach down deep into yourself and remember why you have held on for so long. Remind yourself why you set out to achieve the things you did and use it as motivation to keep going. 

Having a strong support system who understands you is crucial. I thank the man above everyday for blessing me with a supportive family because he knew how much I would need to tap into that system. Even when I feel discouraged, I can never stay that way because I am uplifted by the people I know are rooting for me. 

Somehow I think I might have written this message for myself more than I wrote it for any of you. Either way, someone else needed to see this. 

Stay Encouraged! 
Today's Song Choice: Yolanda Adams-Never Give Up

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